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Killing Dirty Electricity

CEO B.D. Erickson II sits down with "The EMF Guy" Nick Pineault to discuss the increasing dangers of dirty electricity and how SATIC's filters work to eliminate this pollutant.
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Nick Pineault "The EMF Guy" stepped onto the scene in 2017 with his #1 bestselling book 'The Non-Tinfoil Guide To EMFs'. He has become one of the most prominent advocates for safe technologies. He is the host of the chart-topping podcast 'Smarter Tech' which inspire people to use technology in a way that is safe, mindful and health-promoting. He has also launched the Electrosmog Rx online professional-level EMF course in collaboration with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, with the goal of educating health professionals worldwide on how to address EMF-related symptoms and minimize their patients' EMF exposure. 

power perfect benefit

Nick Pineault "The EMF Guy" welcomed B.D. Erickson II on Smarter Tech Season 2, Episode 11: "Killing Dirty Electricity At The Source w/ B.D. Erickson II". Over the course of the episode, B.D. tackles the topic of how to fix dirty electricity. He delves into topics such as why manufacturing companies do not put filters in their products, as well as lightbulbs and their effects on dirty electricity and the science behind how Satic's product line works to remove dirty electricity in the home.


Nick Pineault: “You’re listening to the Smarter Tech podcast. And today, I’m talking about killing dirty electricity at the source with B.D. Erickson. Tech addiction, electromagnetic radiation, goldfish level attention span, sleeping disrupting blue light, is so called “smart tech” the new stupid? Without going back to the stone age, how can we be smarter? My name is Nick “The EMF Guy” Pineault and every week I’m interviewing scientists, engineers and top health experts to inspire you to use your favorite gadgets in a way that is safe, mindful and health promoting.”


B.D. Erickson II: “You are one of my favorites, just so you know!”


Nick: “Oh thank you, I appreciate that!”


B.D.: “I don’t say that to flatter, that’s sincere.”


Nick: “But we’ve started recording so now it’s recorded, you said that on camera! Hey B.D., thank you so much, I appreciate it. I know you have my book and things like that and I did not expect that because in fact I came across your company because I connected with my colleague Brian Hoyer to create a new class called Electropollution Fix and, you know, I was aware of Stetzer plug-ins and we’ll get into dirty electricity so if you’re not following right now don’t worry we will talk about what all those are, the Greenwaves, and then he told me ‘Nick, something new that we are doing is that we are filtering dirty electricity with these products from SATIC’, and then I came across you as the owner of the company. I’ll let you introduce yourself, what your company is about and how you came to this industry around dirty electricity. You can maybe even start by saying what the heck dirty electricity is because if someone doesn’t have context, then they’re going to get lost in this conversation.”


B.D.: “Sure! Thank you for having me! I’m really privileged to be here! Dirty electricity is something that I did not know about before this adventure, it was not on my sphere. It’s also something like carbon monoxide, you can’t see it, you can’t smell it, you can’t taste it. So, you know, it’s hard to really measure just with your own body whether or not it’s there or real, and you know, we’ll explain and prove that it’s harmful. It’s not harmful like backing into a propeller! You back into a propeller, you’re injured right now, right? But let’s say you smoke a couple cigarettes in college, you know, is it good for you? No it’s not good for you, Nick! But does it kill you right away? No I think you’re probably okay, right? So the thing with dirty electricity is is it is real, it’s measurable, and it’s been proven harmful, but it’s not so harmful that you feel the effects immediately, it’s more of a collective thing. And, you know, also I know a grandma who’s 90 years old right now and she is 90 and smoking and drinking! You know, smoking didn’t get her! But I also know people who are 55 and have lung cancer or they have emphysema or something, and so it’s also one of those things that doesn’t necessarily get everybody the same way, and that’s my story. So about 15 years ago, my wife graduated college with a grad degree in Geology and then was killed by a drunk driver in an auto accident. And so we were living on Hawaii, she was a geologist getting her degree in Volcanology, specializing in volcanos, right? So my son and I moved from Hawaii to Montana to be closer to all of our families because this is where we are from, he and I were both born in Missoula, Montana, I was actually born in the same hospital as my mother! So, upon moving home we kind of in hast bought a new home! Now that home is situated under, not directly under but really really close to, under the biggest powerlines in our town. And we, believe it or not, didn’t even notice them! We went and looked at the house, it fitted our needs, it was in a nice neighborhood, we went for it! About a week or so later, we were on the deck out back and I was like ‘holy moly! How did we miss these huge powerlines!’ I didn’t like them because they were ugly! I never thought about that maybe being bad for our health, I just never put it together! Well, when we were in Hawaii he had a great record as a student- he had straight A’s, he had perfect attendance, and though the first year home we were very sad and very lonely, we missed mom terribly he and I, his grades were still good, we has still a good academic student, he still went to class on time, within a year his grades started to really slip substantially his attitude started to slip, he suffered terribly, good sleep escaped him, he was no longer calm spirited, he was a little more irritable, he was very anxious, and so at first I thought it was, you know, missing mom. He had this incredible, beautiful, smart, capable mom, best mom ever in our opinion, you know? So I attributed it to the adjustment to not having her, and I began to get sad myself because I felt like I was failing him as a dad because, you know, the X factor was maybe some poor parenting on my part too. Well after a while you begin to become your own doctor a little bit when your child or someone who you love and care about has symptoms you can’t help, ask people at school, ask people at work, ask people at your church, maybe Google it! And his symptoms lined up with something called EHS, electrohypersensitivity, where these huge electric wires created electric and magnetic fields, and he is susceptible to them! And what are the symptoms? Can’t sleep, irritability, anxiousness, restless legs, all these things, I mean Nick, they matched up one, two, three! And I began to deduce and put together that while yes, absolutely he and I are missing mom, something else something exterior, a pollutant in his natural environment was causing my son disease. And so that, Nick, is what really got me on the journey of dirty electricity being bad for the biological which includes you and I.”


Nick: “Yeah, and that’s quite unfortunately for a lot of people, it’s a personal sickness or symptoms that get people to listen to that situation. I’ve been interviewing Dr. Ben Lynch lately for the course and he’s a top researcher, doctor on epidemiology, not epidemiology but epigenetics, and he told me about his personal experience when he first realized that a cell phone was causing brain fog for him, and for a doctor and someone’s capital that cell phones could have an effect, it’s very difficult because you’re kind of second guessing yourself a little bit. How did you communicate that information for your family? And did you get any people that are skeptics that well, cannot really impact you because health authorities and the FCC wouldn’t agree with you, Health Canada wouldn’t really agree with you today! So did you get some counter and resistance when you first hypothesized that maybe you were impacted by this electropollution?”


B.D.: “I got huge pushback! And it’s weird because there is very few middle. People either say yeah, that’s correct or say no, you’re nuts! There’s something internally though, I will say this, if you ask most people ‘Would you like your house to be right under the powerlines?’ Most people instinctually go ‘Nahh..’ Right? Do you want a cell tower right on your house? Most people would say ‘Hmm, probably not.’ But the idea that it’s bad for your or it makes you sick definitely goes against mainstream physicians, right? It goes against mainstream belief and who benefits from all this Wi-Fi? Who benefits from all this electricity? Well, the biggest companies in the world! Amazon, Google, Microsoft, T-Mobile, Verizon, the most powerful companies on the planet maybe put out if this got out or if this was widespread! It’s certainly not propagated. Now I was in another business, I was selling high-quality lighting, being a green tech manufacturer is in my blood, when I was growing up my family manufactured solar panels, so being in the renewable energy green space has been a part of my life’s journey. We were selling a high-quality lightbulb to the Middle East, it was very expensive, but electricity was about ten times as expensive to my customers overseas then it is in America where I live and so I wanted to start bringing this high-quality lighting into America because I also got pushback on that because electricity is so cheap, why were they going to use it? Why were they going to buy it? Well what made our bulb better was that it didn’t create all of the dirty electricity. It had a better conversion of the watts, the power that you buy, into lumens into light which is the biproduct that you want, when usually most of them also make a ton of heat. You don’t want a ton of heat, right? You want the light! Well, this conversion of watts into light with very little waste, with very little distortion with very little EMI and EMF, is the definition of dirty electricity. So, it is very odd that I am living two parallel paths here, Nick, without knowing that they are parallel paths. So this is my career path and then my child gets sick from dirty electricity.”

Nick: “That’s incredible! So, explain a little bit for maybe the lay person that doesn’t know about dirty electricity, you’re saying that a lightbulb takes electricity because you plug it into while on a circuit braker and then it gives light. But certain bulbs will put back on the line EMI, or Electromagnetic Interference, or it could be called these high frequency voltage transients in the engineering world. So talk a little bit about that, the definition of dirty electricity?”


B.D.: "You bet! Okay, so that's another area where people say 'Well, you know, you're wearing a foil hat, it's pseudo-science.' It's not pseudo-science! So let's say you have a ham radio operator and this is a guy who is trying to receive a signal from, you know, a third of the way around the world, so he needs really clean power. Why? Because of

power lines bad for health

interference! Interference is when one signal laps over another signal. You have two signals now! That’s real! And here’s some examples that each of us have experienced in our life that allows each of us to know that dirty electricity is real. When I was a kid, we would get home from school and my mom would run the vacuum, and the vacuum would affect the TV picture! So now the TV is all clear, mom turns on the vacuum and now the TV is all messed up. Well, clean power was coming into the vacuum, the motor in the vacuum was distorting the power, distorting that wave, adding additional frequencies, putting it back on the neutral, or the common, the television is also connected to a neutral with a common, and it would put lines in the TV, we’ve all experienced that! A lot of people say well I can hear my sister’s blow dryer! My sister is in the bathroom getting ready for school and I can hear her blow dryer on my radio! How?! Same thing! Right?! Same thing! Or you’re driving, you know, in town 30 years ago, you get the FM stations, and then you get out of town you only get the AM stations. Okay, so now you turn on your phone and you see your printer, their printer, his Wi-Fi, their Wi-Fi, you know, you have direct-tv dish network, all of these signals. Where do these signals land? On antennas! Well, if a two-foot antenna on the roof of your car worked, Nick, why would the copper wiring, the mile of copper wiring in your home’s electrical system, why would that not act as an antenna?”


Nick: “It does!”


B.D.: “It does! It absolutely does! So what happened in lightbulbs specifically is electricity comes in and you’re trying to excite this mercury, so you’ve got a ballas screw driver, an electronic component that’s trying to excite this mercury vapor to turn this electrical current into lumens and into light. Well the electricity doesn’t just go into a device and disappear, a very small amount is converted into mechanical work or heat or resistance or something, most of it goes back out on the line. Well, when it goes back out on the line, it’s been degraded, it’s been changed and been affected negatively by the operation and use of that device. So it goes back on the common. So you’re wiring has two wires, it has the hot leg and the common, you have a complete that circle and do that path. So each time you add another electronic to it, you further degrade the quality of that signal. So once the electricity has been degraded through the use of a device, that’s what we call by definition dirty electricity. It’s no longer clean, it’s been somehow changed, formed, degraded, by the use of a device. So, you don’t have one lightbulb in your house, you have 25! And it’s a collective effect! You also got all of this DC stuff, your laptop, your phone, your iPad, your tablet- they all have a battery, and if they have a battery, they’re DC (direct current). So it doesn’t want a wave, it doesn’t want that 60 hertz frequency in the US or 50 in Europe, it wants a direct current. So each time we add one of these, it has the special little cord, the special unit to charge your phone, right?, you put it into USB to change it, that again changes the signal. So dirty electricity is absolutely real beyond contestation, everybody that has watched TV or heard a blow dryer on the radio knows that it’s real, but what we’re really talking about now is it’s been exasperated over the last 30 years. So, 40 years ago in the US specifically, we used a lightbulb invented by Thomas Edison and it was just an anode and a cathode, a tungsten filament, and the electricity would move through the tungsten filament and created light. Now it created about 90% heat and 10% light, but then actually cleaned electricity because that resister that’s turning it into heat would burn off a lot of the distortion, it would burn off that interference, turn it into heat! Well, what happened is that we took those away, we took away in home maybe about 30 devices that cleaned electricity and added now a compact fluorescent, or a LED, 30 things that dirty the electricity, so it completely changed the quality of the electricity in an American home or in THE home excuse me, in the home of a person using light, and then it exasperated further because we added all of these DC devices, the phones, the laptops, the tablets, the computers, and we have this proliferation of signals landing now on the electrical system that is our wiring, and today, dirty electricity is 200-300x what it was 20 years ago and so now we have to start thinking ‘Does this effect human health?”


Nick: “Yes! And, well there’s a few things. First, is it true if I say this is mainly unregulated in the electronics world in a sense that manufacturers, the way I heard it from Al Phillips, the head of an advocacy group for EMF safety, Power Watch UK, he’s an electrical engineer, said that the only reason in his mind that these electronics put so much dirty electricity on the line is that manufacturers do not want to pay a few bucks for filters internally, is that correct?”


B.D.: “That’s absolutely correct! So, the only reason they care about clean power for the most part is how it effects their device. They want their device to perform well and last a long time so they meet standards for the operation of their device. Since it’s unregulated for health, you know, why worry about it? You know manufacturers are constantly trying to get their cost of goods down, they could add an X2 capacitor, they could add a suppression or a safety gap, they could do something that could literally cost a dollar or two and change it unless it’s regulated.”


Nick: “Yeah, so there’s not only that, I know there’s or I think there’s a lot of regulations about that the electromagnetic interference comes to airwaves. Like how your radio tower would impact the cell tower because you have fights between telecoms and they say you have interference and engineers are really thinking about that, but inside the wires of your home and the electrical grid, it’s basically a free-for-all at the moment. So what is it creating on an electrical efficiency standpoint? Because I think that’s, before even talking about health effects, all of these devices that are dirtying the electricity in your home, aren’t they increasing your electricity bill in some sense? Because the power that is dirtier is a kind of fuel that runs dirtier in a motor of your car, right? So it’s less efficient, is that a good analogy?”


B.D.: “You’re absolutely correct. So one of the things that we use a lot of the times is a DVR recorder so we can pause TV and watch TV. If you put your hand on your DVR, I guarantee you that it’s 20-30 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than your room temperature. Sometimes when you charge your phone, it gets really warm, not all the time, just sometimes, make a note of it, right? Sometimes the back of your refrigerator is hot, so what happens is we have several types in alternating current, we have several types of power, we have: Real power, Apparent power, Reactive power, there are different types of power, and it’s only the real power, the watts, the power in good power factor and good sinewave that’s able to produce work. Reactive power and that apparent power, that gets converted into heat! Well, is heat free? No, heat isn’t free! So any time you’re spending your watts and your money making something hot, two things happen: 1. We potentially shorten the life or degraded the quality and performance of that electronic because it doesn’t want to be hot. 2. We’ve spent our dollars making that device hot! According to the Department of Energy in the US, about 77% of power is consumed by, you know, performing the amount of work that you want to perform, you know, you’re making ice cream cold or you’re lifting a garage door, right? 77% performs that work, 23% potentially is lost as heat soak in appliances and in electronics and things like that. So there’s a big part of your bill that can be saved that if it’s used it’s making your thing warm. Not to be repetitive, but who doesn’t want a clean TV picture?! We do! Who doesn’t want a crisp radio signal? We all do! And who doesn’t want these tech devices that we’ve bought to last a long time and perform well? So by using the right kind of electricity filters, the device runs better, it runs cooler, quieter, it lasts longer, your bill goes down, and if you’re worried about the negative effects to the biological, you’ve reduced that by potentially 90-95%. It’s measurable and you can see it, Nick!”


Nick: “This is so important, you know, it’s the longevity of the electronic, the electricity bill possibly, and then the biological effects, the biological effects, and we don’t have to really have to dive too deep into those, but there are sufficient signs that say ‘Let’s be prudent with that.’ There are a few studies done by Magda Havas in Canada, she is I would say the main researcher looking into that. There’s also a good book by Dr. Sam Milham, a world-class epidemiologist who did ‘Dirty Electricity and the Disease of Civilization’. So a few good resources to get started in the show notes if you wanted to look at the science. But, the short version is that we’re already impacted by electricity, we’re impacted by cell phones, and if you don’t think so then you should listen to some others of my videos or read my book and all this stuff does something to the human body. It looks like one of the most important factors is not initially the type of frequency, not even the intensity of a certain thing, it’s how frequent the change is. It’s all the harmonics, it’s all the global chaos and sometimes it’s the certain characteristics like the pulsation. When something is erratic or chaotic, it creates more biological effects. So it’s more stressful and exactly linked to Electrohypersensitivity or a feeling or ‘Why am I feeling so drained in this home?’ Like my energy is low and then I go to someone else’s home for two days and I feel great! So it’s an environmental factor, it makes your home more stressful, and in an environment also during your sleep, right? These things impact you. So as far as biology goes, my thought is, you know, another thing is to filter inside your home. Where SATIC comes in, and I want you to talk about your products and your company, but what I did not learn at first when I authored my book, of course your technology is not even mentioned in there I didn’t even know that it existed, is how it defers from plug-in’s that you can put throughout your homes. A lot of people what they would do is buy plug-in’s, put them everywhere and say ‘Well, I filtered dirty electricity.’ The way I understand for certain products that your company creates at the breaker panel, it’s more akin to installing a whole home water filter where you say, you know, I’m going to clean from the municipality, they send me dirty water with chlorine and maybe fluoride and pharmaceutical drugs in there that can’t really be filtered out so I don’t even trust them and that’s what I would do, I insult reverse osmosis and call it a day, my entire home is clean. So you’re approach is more akin to that, so maybe talk about the different products you offer and how is that different from just using plug-in’s in the home for example?”


B.D.: “You bet! And I’m going to give you a long way to get there because Sam Milham’s book ‘Dirty Electricity’ is one of the first publications that I bought that helped me identify my son’s problem, and Sam and I became pals. I was able to call him, he took my call personally! Somehow I was able to reach him and we created a friendship! Dr. Mercola is also someone who’s done some research in where a lot of my research began was not with human beings, it was with the biological with dairy cows. So much studies has been done with dairy cows because it’s such a big business! Cheese, milk, ice cream, sour cream, cream cheese, yogurt, all these things where they have proven beyond contestation, DairyGold, Merigold, the big companies, that the cow’s production of milk, taste, the volume is affected by dirty electricity. Some of our best customers are indoor greenhouses and grows. A big strawberry in Canada, a big tomato, marijuana, if you want big produce, you need clean electricity! We’ve got documentation where the plant grows towards the light, the water, the nutrition, and away from the dirty electricity! So because of the FDA and stuff, we have to be very careful of what we say is harmful to humans, but you can say it about cows, Nick! You can say it about a strawberry!”


Nick: “Please purchase this product even if you’re not a cow but it just works for cows! Haha.”


B.D.: “Haha! So even though I’m not a cow, I am biological! So for the dairy and greenhouse grows, putting a bunch of plug-in’s didn’t make sense. What we wanted to do was to get a spot in the farm, in the dairy, in the home where we know all of the electricity is going to pass through this one place for sure. So we developed a line of wire-in products that wire in right at the utility panel, the distribution panel because we know all of the electricity is going to flow through that one point. So it does a couple of things: 1. It stops, or, it effects all the incoming power. All incoming power is boosted to that one wave, that 60 hertz or 50 hertz, wherever you live frequency, one sinewave, we boost the power factor into the 90’s. We remove about 95-99% of interference, of distortion, EMF, EMI, THD, we’re filtering these things. And then we’re one of the only products on the market that is not only on Phase A and Phase B in the US or the phase is having incoming power, but also the neutral and the common. And that’s really one of the key differentiators to our product, that’s where the dirty electricity lives! You know clean power, we talked about this for the most part, goes into the device, into the light, but it’s degraded by, it’s affected by the use of that device and goes back not on the phase but back on the neutral, it goes back on the common. And so the cumulative effect is really where your dirty electricity lies and that’s where it returns the utility. So we do make plug-in products because sometimes you’re on the go, you want something to take with you, you’re going to give to your son or daughter that lives in a dorm or you’re going to travel in a hotel room or you’ve got a room that has really high dirty electricity, we make those. But the vast majority of our sales are the engineered wire-in products that happen at the braker panel because we know there that we’re able to effect all the electricity in that home or office.”


Nick: “Yeah that’s very important, and it’s also, you know, I think it’s a better fix to the problem, the way I’ve been explained is by certain engineers who do not agree with the approaches of certain companies with plug-in’s is that these plug-in’s are shifting the frequency outside a certain range considered biologically more active, but it doesn’t guarantee where it pushes it is really safe, so it’s kind of a semi-solution, uh, you’re doing something good with plug-in’s and I have plug-in’s here, so I was a renter on this condo and now I’m going to become an owner, so hopefully I can install your technology here, but, I think this is a common question you’re getting but, I’m in an 8-unit condo so would it still get benefits from filtering at the panel given everything that the neighbors are setting? I think it would filter out the neighbors as well, right?”


B.D.: “It does! It even helps the neighbors!”


Nick: “Oh, they’re going to thank me! Haha.”


B.D.: “They’re going to thank you! So, we’ve had installs, and we’ve got 85,000 of our wire-in unit installed in the US alone. We’ve been making them for 13 years. We’ve had one customer get a unit and the neighbors comment, maybe the neighbors power bill goes down 5% or down 10% and they comment because the electricity, it is connected, right? When you live in a neighborhood and you’re on a subdivision, that electricity is connected. So when you wire something like that in the panel, not only do you benefit yourself, you do benefit your neighbors at a limited sense too. And also something else that happens is when you have a filter plugged in a bedroom or something and you’re right they do help, but what happens is that also becomes a little bit of a hotspot that you have yet another electrical device plugged in there, and some people that are really sensitive, they can’t have a filter in their bedroom, they can’t have it close to their bed or where they sit or something, where at the utility panel we already know this is a hot spot. Our utility panel is in our garage or maybe by our hot water tank and we know that this is a place where there’s going to be high electric fields. So by installing it there, whatever hot spot the device might make, you centralized it. You’ve centralized these fields that these things to a place where it already existed before. If you didn’t have it in your bedroom before, now you bring a plug-in unit there and you may exacerbate that a little bit unwittingly in creating a little bit of a note or a hot spot there with that electric device. So another reason the wire-in’s sell so well and perform so well is we’re isolating in a spot where it was already isolated.”


Nick: “Yeah, and that’s a good point. I’m just thinking about all the sources of dirty electricity and my approach, usually same thing with Wi-Fi, same thing with all the different sources out there. First, try to reduce the sources themselves. Sources of dirty electricity, please let me know in your experience what are the worst sources that are producing it and also maybe talk about the fact that the electricity coming from the power grid is sometimes dirty itself because of various factors. It might be a factory nearby, it might be a neighbor who uses a bunch of things, they’re sending you their dirtiness and it get dirtier and dirtier as you go along the same line on a street, so please talk about that fact and what in your personal opinion and experience are the worst producers of that dirty electricity?”


B.D.: “Okay, this is an excellent question! So, sometimes people just want to say that you’re just trying to sell stuff, you’re trying to sell something, no! We engineer products because this problem exists, you don’t just start there! If you think smoking is bad for you, the first thing place, stop smoking! That’s number one! Number two, stop going to bars or places where there is a lot of smoke! The absolute best way to have clean electricity is not to buy filters. The best way is to just not have things that produce it, right? That’s the best way to get there. So, the things that cause it the most: number one in most cases is usually lighting. So most lighting is CFL, compact fluorescent lamp, the curly-q bulb, those are absolutely terrible for the creation of dirty electricity, harmonics, distortion, simply because of the way that they operate. They have a ballas that raised the voltage and that voltage has to ark and excite that gas and the operation of that creates a lot of dirty electricity. A LED, their very efficient, but they are a light emitting diode. A diode by definition is a one-way door. So, they’re strobing, a lot of people don’t know that, they are strobing at 50 or 60 hertz which is clipping that wave and creating dirty electricity. DC devices, we talked about this, anything with a battery, computers switch mode power supplies, so your computer and your gaming console, and these things are huge culprits and they’re bigger culprits like your phone and stuff when they’re charging for not only affecting the electricity that they’re connected to but also the fields that they generate and give off. So a lot of people keep their phone plugged in by their bed and they put it on airplane mode and they think they’re okay, no, since it’s plugged in you’re exacerbating the size of that field. You don’t want a smart meter on your house, you want to turn your Wi-Fi off at night, now my son can’t have the Wi-Fi and stuff in the house, he’s got to really limit his exposure. It doesn’t affect me the same way, Nick, I can have a little bit more, but I don’t sleep in it! So yes the first thing we need to do is, at SATIC we call them the culprits, what are the dirty electricity culprits? There’s a nice list in your book, you give a great list in your book! We’ve got some stuff to if you know the lighting and the switch tech power supplies, computers, etc. Number one be cognizant of those things, and number two turn them off, number three don’t sit or rest in them because this field now has two things, right?, it has an intensity, how far away do I have to go to get away from it or how hard is it punching me and what’s the frequency of it? So like I always tell people when I hit my arm like this, after a while even if I’m gentle I’m going to get sore! I’m going to get a bruise! But if I move it like this, oh I’m charging $25 an hour for a massage! That’s nice! So if I’m moving, it doesn’t get me as much. I start to sit at my desk, it’s affecting my biology more, I’m laying at night, it’s affecting my biology more. So another part of that is if where you rest, where you sleep, these need to be havens of clean electricity, and that doesn’t come from filters, that comes from turning off and getting rid of culprits. That’s number one, okay! So with that being the case and that being the first thing that we’re going to do, sometimes we can’t control that. I can only control what’s in my house. I can’t go to my neighbor’s house and turn off their solar system which is a terrible culprit, right?! SO to not blame the power company where I live, the power comes from hydro, it’s very clean but it’s 100 miles away! It’s 120k or whatever, so what happens is it goes by car washes and beauty schools, it goes by all these things so by no fault of theirs, I’m not blaming them, just by the way it’s been powered and degraded by devices along the way it’s dirty when it gets to me, and that’s a combination of what the grid is delivering and truly what my neighbors are doing. So that’s why a wire-in filter at the panel becomes so important too because the first thing that I do is that I take action, I relieve, turn off or manage the use of the culprits in my home, get them away from my resting and sleeping areas, but now for the stuff that I can’t get from my neighbors, this is when you might want to start talking about filters as a way to simply protect yourself from what’s bombarding you externally.”


Nick: “Yeah that’s so great, and you know I’ve heard nothing but good things about the whole home panel filters like the Power Perfect Box since we started recommending that to our electropollution fix members. Please talk about that product in particular, how does that work? If it’s too technical, I mean there’s probably so many things happening at once at that box, but basically please talk about the actionable steps like people need to install that box at home, what do they need to do? They hire an electrician, where would they install it, etc.?”


B.D.: “Sure! So let me first brag on my engineering team. I have an applied science degree and a business degree and I was in engineering school, I was studying to be a power systems engineer, but when I went to build this electronic I instantly knew that I had the team built. I was, you know, personal development, I read a lot of books and one of the things that I consistently hear as a business owner and as a CEO a manager is that you need to build your team. So one of my engineers, Brian Jackson, he has an MBA and an engineering degree and he was the vice president of engineering for Idaho Power. He’s literally the guy who put solar panels on the roof of the utility, I mean, of the power company. Bradley Layton, Dr. Bradley Layton is a PhD engineer. He got his undergrad degree at MIT which is the number one engineering school in the United States, he got his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Michigan which is a very prominent engineering school. Dr. Lynn Churchill has a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Washington. I put together the finest team of engineers that I could find to help me not just build a good product, but build a great one. And I talked to Dave Stetzer at Stetzerizer and looked at his filters and talked to him at great length about some changes, I mean initially I just didn’t want to build my own thing, I initially wanted to talk to some of the guys and I’ll admit it right now, I’m not crazy about Dave Stetzer’s products, I think they’re a little simple, but I’m standing on the shoulders of great men like him, and I will take nothing from him because he forged a trail when you had to be brave, right? He forged a trail on a dusty road when he was going alone, so I love and respect what he has done, it’s just that the product hasn’t been updated in 20 years. I love Gene at Greenwave, he’s one of the nicest funnest guys you’ve ever met! If you’re at a barbecue, you want to stand by Gene from Greenwave because he’s fun, he has a big heart, he’s a nice person, their product is very simple, it just doesn’t have a lot of component sets, it doesn’t have a lot of different component types, so it’s really just looking for one type that does one thing and our electricity has changed so much in the 15 years that these products have existed. We’ve actually changed our product twice since we started 13 years ago, and we’re about to launch Gen III because when we first launched it was compact fluorescent lighting and now it’s LED, there wasn’t the big crypto-mining that’s changed the look of electricity in the US or legalized indoor marijuana grows has changed electricity. We are in a constant, evolving, changing landscape, and no body that we know of has changed their product not even once in 15 years, we’ve changed ours twice in 13. So, you’ve got to be on the front edge of this. We have three filter sizes and three filter types and if you look at those other products, not that you would but, not that you would be naughty and open one with a driller tool you’ll see one product, you’ll see one filter. And so our plug-in model, for example, rather then having, you know, one filter of one type and one manufacturer, ours has eight in two different sizes and then a different component set completely that does something else, you know, one is looking for the voltage wave and the other is looking for amperage wave. And so they don’t have products to effect both, and how big is the frequency band that you’re trying to effect? So, also if you’ve got one filter and one breaks, how many do you have? Our wire-in products have a minimum of 21 filters! So even if one did fail because of a poor life or it was poorly manufactured by its manufacturing company, you’re still at about 95% effective rate, that’s why we also give the product a 10-year warranty because we’ve got tests that show that at year 11, you’re still at a 98% effective rate, you have very little degradation, it could be robust because that’s its job! I used to love the TimeX commercial, it takes a licking and keeps on a-tickin! It used to have an elephant stand on it, right?! You want something that is very robust because, in our opinion, this is protecting your family’s life. And I don’t say that lightly, that’s my experience. It’s my experience to protect my home and my family’s life, so we need something very robust. So rather, again, excuse me for being repetitive, rather than one filter of one type, we have multiple filters, multiple types looking for the voltage and the amperage waves and doing over a larger frequency scale. I don’t think we have any competition.”


Nick: “Yeah, that’s tremendous! So what happens when you install it? If you purchase the product, how big is it? Where do people put it? Does it require the help of an electrician or is it something a lay man can do?”


B.D.: “So that’s a great question. So it’s about the size of a shoebox and it does wire in at the utility panel, and for an electrician it’s an exceedingly easy installation, it has mounting brackets and four mounting screws. So you drill the four screws into the sheetrock or into the wood or whatever its on, and then it has three wires- it has a red and a black, and this is in the US, it has a red and a black that land on their own breaker, red for A black for B, and then white for the neutral. Now for Europe it just has red and blue, red for phase and blue for the neutral, you turn the breaker on and it takes about 20 minutes. Does an electrician need to do it? I can’t answer that because that depends on what the rules are for where your house is. So usually we have an electrician do it because he’s very familiar, it takes about a half hour and is wired right there at the panel. If your panel is full, often times it can go, like if you have a hot tub and it has a little panel there, or you’ve got an air conditioner has a little panel, or you have a swimming pool might have a little panel, you might have a pump house little panel, really any place that you can get onto all the electricity, which means you can get on both phases, this can be installed. It goes on its own breaker, again, made in the USA, 10-year warranty, and it’s guaranteed to perform. So let’s say, for you, you’re seeing this and you’re not seeing that, maybe the best thing that we have here is the wonderful tech support. We’ve got people that you can call. Not a machine, not someone overseas, our office! We answer the phone and we say yes look for this, look for that, here’s how you want to troubleshoot, here are your culprits, here’s how it’s going to work the best. So you’re never stranded, you’re never on your own because electricity is weird and everybody is on their own environment because our neighbor is doing something different and we have different things in our life, and the outcome is to not just sell you a product, the outcome is to sell you a product to get your DE super low so that you’re happy and you can recommend it to a pal!”

watts and electronics

Nick: "Yeah and that's incredibly important. I think, you know, the cost of, at first when I saw the investment, Brian has your product, Brian Hoyer my colleague on his Shielded Healing website, and I was like oh my god that's incredibly steep for a product for dirty electricity. However, if you calculate how much electricity you could save technically, if you save a little bit of electricity, well that's kind of like free money that's going to reimburse yourself over 10 years if it's a 10-year warranty. So in reality now that I think of it for myself, the unit might be almost free depending on how much electricity it saves you, even if it's $5 per month that would still be something over time, that's 600! I mean, that's a nice earning made! So talk about this, what results have you seen in reduction of electricity bill, and it depends,

it must be highly situational depending on how much electricity there was in the first place. Let’s say I’m in Montreal in an 8-unit condo, everyone is using everything wrong, right? Can I expect a good reduction in the bill or?”


B.D.: “Absolutely! And it’s not like you have to wait to see it! I mean, if you can read the meter, and we sell meters online, you’re going to see that it’s working right now! So with 85,000 installed, we always tell people that we can’t guarantee a specific number because, once again, your life is different! Like, are you a single guy or are you a family with five little kids because they’ve always got a fridge door open and looking for a popsicle and the garage door is going up and down the laundry is on the air conditioner is on, how old is your air conditioner or how new is it? How old is the freezer in your garage, how new is it? Right? But mathematically, we feel like we can prove an 8% savings, mathematically, and that is mostly in just reduced heat! That’s usually just in not having heat soak in appliances, heat soak in your DVR and in the back of your TV that then your air conditioner has to fight. But I’ll tell you this, most of our customers after 15 years in business and 85,000 installed, most of our customers see a mid-teen, 13 to 16, we probably have 2,000 written testimonials where they really do pay attention, and so mid-teens for the most part is actually the savings at a one year trip because it’s different in the winter because where I live you’re using heat and in the summer you’re using, you know, to make cold, but in the spring and fall, you know, you’re house is beautiful where I live, and so the saving signature is different over those months at the end of a one year trip should be low teens which probably means a 2-3 year ROY. With a 10-year guarantee, it’s going to pay for itself five times, maybe three times, it’s ultimately kind of free, I mean, you have to upfront it but you do get the money back, you do, you get it back!”


Nick: “That’s an important part of it! That’s the reality, you’re saving your health and you’re saving money! I was just calculating 8%, my electricity bill is around $150 a month Canadian here in this place, and maybe the isolation isn’t so good in the winter months, you know, like we could pay $200 a month in the winter months. Of course we have almost 0 Fahrenheit at some point so, understandable! But, 8% represents about over 10 years easily $1,500-2,000 which is the cost of the unit if you get it at the moment. So it’s interesting that you have the technology that can also, I mean, this is the real green stuff in reality! When we talk about people who are environmentally conscious, and I know here in Quebec we’re composting, recycling, we’re taking like don’t open the fridge too much, don’t keep the showers on for like 30 minutes, and it’s in our blood a little bit to be environmentalists, so in reality there’s also a good thing to say, regardless on your stance on dirty electricity or even my work, like if you also want to help save the planet you should install something that will consume less electricity, I think it would be the responsible thing to do for all homeowners, and then you save money so you’re happy with it as well. And also it’s an argument, and I’m just thinking out loud and I didn’t even think about that, but that’s very important because of course everyone is consuming too much, electricity has a cost in nature to produce, whether it’s hydro and a little bit cleaner, coal or nuclear, and if we can all reduce how much electricity we consume, well there’s something to be said there that is super important, and if on top of that you reduce the sources because on top of that because you’re aware and you listen to B.D. and you learn these sources, and maybe you switch out these CFL’s for incandescence like we talk about in our course, then you’re doing good for the planet, like this is very important. And maybe you can touch on that for about two minutes or something, but you mentioned CFL and I think a lot of people, we didn’t recognize the elephant in the room because a lot of people will be surprised, CFL’s, I thought these were the super green super environmentally friendly bulbs, but you know, in reality, if I understand correctly, they do save electricity individually, but then they cost more because they send dirty electricity back on the line, so it’s kind of bizarre!”


B.D.: “That’s exactly correct, so it’s touch and go for what you’ve talked about. So the most important watt for the environment is the non-watt. The non-watt, the watt that we didn’t have to produce from coal or anything else. Just the fact that the unit will lower watts, we have an impact on the environment, we all know that we can be better stewards, right? So the CFL, the compact fluorescent was really promoted and bandywhooed as this environmentally conscious thing because it uses less watts, that could not be further from the truth. So first of all the incandescent bulb, you just have a nano and a cathode, a power in and power out and then a little tungsten filament, you push electricity through it and you get 95% heat and 5% light. So, there’s 60 watts is what I think most of us use, 60 watts to light your room, well the compact fluorescent might only be 20 watts. So rather than using 60 watts, you’re using 20, so it’s “green” in that is uses less watts, but nothing could be further from the truth. There’s nothing harmful in the incandescent lightbulb. The mercury vapor amalcom gas in the CFL is toxic! It’s poisonous! So imagine if you drop and you broke this, you stepped in it and cut your foot, it could really hurt your foot or make you sick because it’s got poison in it! Well now people were supposed to dispose of those properly, who did?! And how do we know that the people that got them that they did?! So you’re bringing these poisonous chemicals from China where they’re not mined consciously or, you know, with green ecology in mind, they’re mined however they want to mine them, target the planet A, we ship them to Montreal, you use it for six months, they were supposed to last 10,000 hours, I’m careful when I say always or never, I’m going to say that I never saw one last 10,000 hours, right? And now it’s going to go into landfill where it’s going to break, leech into groundwater, can it leech into the soil, can it leech into the river, can it leech into your well, I’m just asking the question here- what is green about that? You know?”


Nick: “Yeah, it’s a bad idea..”


B.D.: “It’s a bad idea and it was a bad product.”


Nick: “It’s a bad product, yeah. And it does create dirty electricity which in reality would consume as much or more electricity than an incandescent?”


B.D.: “That’s right! So I read a really great article published in Europe about the fact that they changed from incandescent to CFL. So what had happened is yes, it lowered the watts but it created so much dirty electricity! And their power factor is very low, their power factor is about 50 which means you have to move twice the amount of electricity through them to get the same result. So what it did so where the incandescent lightbulb raises the power factor, it actually makes the power factor for everything in your home better. You turn on an incandescent bulb, it starts filtering the electricity, they’re actually electricity filters all by themselves. They begin to lessen the dirty electricity and raise the power factor, which makes everything run better now. So, the back of your TV is cooler, the back of your fridge is cooler, your phone charges cool, but now with these other bulbs, yes they use less watts initially, they lower the power factor and they raise the distortion and everything is hot. Everything is hot! You’re moving more current, you have more losses to Ulm’s Law of Resistance. And so in the article I read, they said is there any true net gain to Europe? Yes we use less watts while doing it, but our electricity is so dirty now that everything else is hot. Did we really gain anything? If we did, it was negligible. But now we have all this poison in our landfill and the dirty electricity. So with the filament, the electricity goes through the tungsten filament. With a fluorescent light, it has to jump it has to ark, that’s the voltage has to be higher, it has to ark. When it arks, that’s how it excites that gas. So it’s changing the voltage, it’s changing the frequency, you talked about that earlier, that change is bad. When you start changing things, when you start changing how it operates, changing its flow, changing its frequency, that’s bad? That’s how they run! That’s how they work!”


Nick: “Exactly! Right, they turn on and off, I think, in the tens of thousands a time per second. Also something could be said about the flicker rate of these things and the impact, and we won’t even get into those because I see the time running out here almost to the hour, it’s something we talk about in the course, but the short story is that the flicker rate can also make your brain a little bit too over-excited or, it’s most biological effects because, again, it just makes that light that much more artificial for biology, and one of the reasons I’m weird today like Bono is because I wear the slightly blue blockers from Blue Blocks because I’m kind of trying to mitigate the computer screen and I realize that I have more energy and, again, each time you’re trying to make things a little simpler, like your electricity simpler and cleaner, and also the environment when it comes to Wi-Fi cleaner and simpler, it just calms down the biology. That’s the very simple version, so if you have a lightbulb that chops the signal and puts something back on the line that makes your electricity dirty, on an environmental standpoint doesn’t make sense, on a biological sense it doesn’t make sense either, so it’s a failed technology. And that’s still going on, unfortunately, I think that in the future it will be seen as a very big mistake that governments kind of fall into or listen to the wrong engineers or they were mistaught something good or maybe someone who wanted to make a buck, that sometimes happens too in humanity where someone said my product is very good and I’m going to sell it to you with marketing tactics, everyone bought it and then everyone woke up 30 years later saying ‘Oops, we have a bunch of mercury in the environment.’


B.D., it’s been amazing, we could go on and on, maybe I’m going to have you back for two parter, maybe, if you want, our next conversation could be focused on solar panels exclusively if you want because we didn’t touch on it and I had a few questions on it, and I know your products also take care of that and you have specialty products just for that use, I think, and I know a lot of people want to go green, use solar and that’s a good idea, but I’ve also heard a lot of people who install those and then the dirty electricity levels are so high that the tradeoff is hard to deal with biologically. So let’s keep that as a teaser if you want to be on the show, this is an official invite, and please let us know your website, where people can learn more about your company, your products, all that good thing.”


B.D.: “Yes! I would love to come back to talk about solar because if you have solar, your numbers are exacerbated by about 100 times. For education, you can find us on our main website satic, S-A-T-I-C,, that’s also the name of our YouTube channel, saticusa, one word. And then to look at the products, you can find us on And of course Brian Hoyer of Shielded Healing is a premier SATIC dealer, and he is very wise and he can help you land on the right product as well. We recommend his page as well.”


Nick: “Tremendous! And Brian can also, I know he’s someone I can recommend, obviously I’m biased because I love this guy and now he’s one of my top collaborators on my course and a co-teacher, a friend of mine now and if he sells the SATIC products, he will also give support to people who want to install these products, and I know your company gives tremendous support as well. If you purchase a product like that and you’re concerned about installing it or still figuring it out, don’t worry because I know for a fact that these people are so helpful and they won’t leave you hanging. This is a process that will be pretty straightforward in that is also something that will also last for years. I’m excited, I didn’t know, something surprising I have to tell before we close up is that it’s shoebox size! In my mind it was that large because you can never see when you see the picture and I was like okay will this really jive with my wife who doesn’t want to see that initially near the braker panel because it’s in her office, but now I’m more strongly considering it because it’s kind of more subtle so I’ll see if we can put it in the closet and call it a day. I want to walk the talk so I have to install it and report back on my results. B.D., thank you so much and let’s meet again a little later in the Smarter Tech adventure to talk about solar panels! Thank you so much!”


B.D.: “I look forward to it, Nick. Thank you!”


Nick: “Thank you! Bye bye.”

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